Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is the use of computing and telecommunication technologies, systems and tools to facilitate the way information is created, collected, processed, transmitted and stored. It includes computing technologies like servers, laptop computers and software applications, as well as the wired and wireless communication technologies that support telephones, the Internet, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the metaverse. The goal of ICT is to improve access to information and and make human-to-human, human-to-machine and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication easier and more efficient.

This broad label includes the infrastructure and telecom components that enable synchronous and asynchronous communication across short and long distances. It consists of telecommunication and cloud computing services as well — and the governance policies that support their use.

History and Evolution of ICT

The concept of ICT can be traced back to the 19th century with the development of the telegraph and the telephone. These two inventions revolutionized the way people worked and interacted socially by making it possible for one person to communicate with another person in a different location in real or near-real time.

In the middle of the 20th century, radio and television introduced the concept of mass communication, and by the end of the century, the internet had become a mainstream tool for communication, commerce and entertainment. Its use continued to grow rapidly in the following years, revolutionizing the way people work and digitally transforming the way people communicate.

ICT Infrastructure and Systems

Information and communication technology includes a wide range of information, telecommunication and support tools and services that work together to facilitate communication.

This includes:

  • Hardware and software that supports the way information is created, disseminated, acquired and stored.
  • Infrastructure and electronics that enable communication between hardware devices.
  • Protocols and interfaces that enable seamless communication and data exchanges between different hardware and software components.
  • Tools for protecting sensitive information and ensuring the integrity of an ICT system.
  • Standards for protecting data in transit, during processing and at rest.
  • Governance policies for how information should be accessed, secured, processed, transmitted and stored.
  • Workers who have the skills required to design, develop, maintain and support ICT systems.

Centralized and Decentralized ICT

When ITC architectures are centralized, the hardware, software and network infrastructure components that support communication are located in a single location and users can only access these resources from that location. This approach was cost-efficient during the early days of computing when the cost of wired communication infrastructure was high and mainframes had limited processing power.

Broadband internet made it possible to decentralize ITC architectures. Once data could be transmitted faster and over greater distances, it became possible to store and access data remotely and run the same applications virtually on multiple remote servers. This led to increased adoption of unified communication systems (UCSs), cloud-based services and new types of collaboration tools.

Impact of ICT on Society

ICT has reshaped the world’s economic landscape and workforce dynamics.

E-commerce has created new opportunities for businesses and consumers alike, supporting globalization by enabling transactions and interactions to occur across borders seamlessly. Smart cities are improving urban living by leveraging IT and communication technology to improve transportation, public services and municipal infrastructure.

The combination of information technology and communication technology has had a lasting impact on society. As technology and collaboration tools continue to advance, organizations are finding it necessary to continually reevaluate their best practices for sharing digital information and governments are continually looking for

ways to reduce the digital divide.

ICT Skills, Certifications and Job Opportunities

As the world becomes increasingly reliant on digital communication, the job market for ICT professionals continues to expand. Individuals with the right skills and qualifications can look forward to a dynamic and rewarding career in this ever-evolving field. To succeed in this industry, candidates must possess a combination of technical skills and soft skills.

The following jobs require candidates to have a strong foundation in both information technology and communication technologies: