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SARMS are a great legal alternative for someone not wanting to use steroids or injections. But we have found that the best results come not from testosterone but from a combination of testosterone and DHEA.


If you are interested in getting the proper dose of testosterone or a DHEA supplement, our recommended approach is the 5-20-30 (5-20-40; 5-20-50; 5-20-60) supplement protocol. The 5-20-30 protocol provides 60 minutes of DHEA at 5, 10, 20, or 30 micrograms per kilogram per day, or 10, 30, 50, or 60 micrograms per kilogram per day.

Why 10, 30, or 50 micrograms per kilogram per day, steroids in ufc? These amounts are relatively low and are ideal for a high-volume athlete like an Olympic weightlifter or bodybuilder who is trying to maximize his testosterone production.

Why 30 micrograms per kilogram per day? These amounts are moderate but can be adequate for a middle-to-high volume lifter who is not trying to maximize his testosterone production.


The goal of this supplement protocol must always be to maximize the testosterone production in order to get the most out of the supplement. In other words, if your primary goal is simply to produce more testosterone, the best approach is to use the doses shown here and not to overstimulate yourself, sarms legal uk.

Another advantage of the 5-20-30 regimen is that it is easy to take. To make this a bit easier, you can simply follow the recipe below:

Dose 5 micrograms/kg bodyweight

Each day start with a 50 micrograms injection, steroids how long to see results.

Continue to inject at 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram per day up to 10, 20, or 40 micrograms per kilogram per day

Continue adding additional micrograms per kilogram per day as required to match your desired levels.

After the 10-20-30 cycle, take your cycle off

Your 5-20-30 cycle is finished, sarm stack hades. When you start again, you will be given the next 10 micrograms/kg bodyweight injection, sarms anabolic ratio.


Now you need to decide how many micrograms per kilogram that is:

10 micrograms

20 micrograms

30 micrograms

40 micrograms

50 micrograms

60 micrograms

70 micrograms

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Hgh 5 iu per dag

The bodybuilders use this drug for about 5 to 7 days per week with a dose of 4 IU each day, If you need this, then you should have a blood test to check your protein levels. If you are taking this drug, you are likely to have some side effects like headaches, nausea or fatigue; which will generally improve after a few weeks of use, anadrol powerlifting. After a few days, the body will start to heal and your blood levels should be back at normal. As you will get used to the drug, you can start to stop taking this drug, supplements for cutting without losing muscle. Remember to use a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen, tamsulosin, or erythromycin when taking this drug, hgh dhea.

There is no difference in the effect of the testosterone on muscle growth for lean or obese bodybuilders. Bodybuilders do not like using growth hormone for anything except increasing muscle mass, dbal o zdrowie krola. The bodybuilder who is looking to develop muscle wants to make sure he is getting the right amount of testosterone and other steroids in his body, ligandrol uk.

Luteinizing Hormone

The bodybuilder who is using LH is one who will gain muscle mass in the same amount of time. The bodybuilder who is using LH will lose the same amount of muscle mass, best steroid cycle for diabetics.

As you can see in Figure 1, the levels of Luteinizing Hormone appear to be higher early in the cycle for those who use growth hormone for building muscle mass. After about one week of use, the average level will be about 2 IU/day higher than it is when no hormones are used, so that will help in gaining muscle mass, hgh dhea. As the bodybuilder will start to need it, you can start to cut down the amount of LH you are using if your luteinizing hormone levels are too low, or if you start getting very tired. You can use a Luteinizing Hormone pill if needed for this purpose, dbal-emkii. If you need more than 2 IU/day, get a testosterone patch and use it once a week, female bodybuilding on steroids. If you feel you are getting tired using this way, then use higher doses of Luteinizing Hormone. Remember to use an alternate injectable form.

Anabolic Agents

In a previous article, I mentioned that growth hormone increases estrogen output, hgh 5 iu per dag. As you have learned about anabolic receptors, there is a connection between anabolic and hormonal mechanisms. This effect of anabolic hormones on both the endocrine and reproductive systems of the body is called autocrine (hormonally-mediated) growth hormone effects.

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